Tag Archives: jes

Classic Racism, Sad

Sunday School in Crystal Springs

This story makes me sick. I read this morning where a church in Crystal Springs, MS would not allow a black couple to marry in their sanctuary. See the story here:


Now this is my home state and my Governor called the incident “unfortunate”. Really? He chose the word unfortunate? Not deplorable? Sick? Wrong? Its just unfortunate. Well excuse my french, but thats bullshit Gov. Bryant! Are you such a spineless politician that you dont want to upset your racist voting base by calling it what it is. He did say however “Mississippi should encourage the union of any couple — as long as the couple is made up of a man and a woman.” If you read the story you will see he does try to say it should not have happened, but he should have said more than “unfortunate”. He might as well have said its too bad you are black. If he feels our states image has taken a step back, he should say something a little more damning to those good christian folks over at First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs. He does not believe in marriage equality anyway, so why should I expect any different.

I hate that racism is alive and well and out in the open in my home state. We have defenders of marriage on the right saying that gay marriage destroys the sanctity of marriage. I hope these same defenders will stand up to this nonsense by pointing out that not allowing people to marry in your church because of the color of their skin is also a way of destroying marriage! Its actually denying marriage between a man and a woman! If marriage is so important, and Gods will is being challenged by marriage detractors, then stand up! Make yourself known! This anti-marriage, white supremacist church needs to hear us!

…..And they do this in the name of God


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