Tag Archives: poking fun

Really?! Are we still doing this?

Are we still challenging President Obamas status as an eligible American Presidential candidate? The man has been in office for 3 years, the GOP must have NO faith in the candidates who are currently in the race. What other reason do they have to beat this dead horse? He already has the job! His term is almost up, let election fraud run its course in 2012. Whatever party is the most sinister will win, come on, thats how we have always done it. Get over it!


I dont have much faith in Obamas leadership, and I have no faith in the GOP candidates either. Ive got my fingers crossed for a Nadar run, or maybe Ross Perot. (sarcasm intended) So to make that happen Im going to have to see Romney and Huntsmans birth certificates because they are Mormon and I think Mormons are from space. Newt is a flip flopper, Southern Baptist to Catholic, is that even legal?  Will he convert to Islam next? Maybe if his mistress is middle eastern. Michele Bachman, if that is her real name… Ill need DNA from Ron Paul because I think he is a zombie, and zombies cant be president. Rick Perry, psych evaluation. Rick Santorum, Im not going there. Too bad Herman Cain is out, I could’ve had fun with that one. And so on and so on…

Merry Christmas America, we are screwed




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